I is for Intention

I is for Intention

Let me set the scene for you. You’re sitting in a comfortable cross-legged seat.  Your eyes are closed.  You’ve had a long, hard day and you’re ready to do some yoga.  But before the movement begins, your yoga teacher encourages you to set an intention to carry with...
Backbend Challenge

Backbend Challenge

We LOVE getting the community MOVING TOGETHER & this 4 week challenge is all about a ✨Quick Workout✨ All you need is your body and a few minutes each day.  Who’s ready to give this ABC’s of Health fitness challenge a try?!!  Join in on the fun  👊🏼 Week 4️⃣...
Squat Thrust Yoga Challenge

Squat Thrust Yoga Challenge

We LOVE getting the community MOVING TOGETHER & this 4 week challenge is all about a ✨Quick Workout✨ All you need is your body and a few minutes each day.  Who’s ready to give this #abcsofhealthfitnesschallenge a try?!!  Join in on the fun  👊🏼 Week 3️⃣ Squat...
Squat Thrust Yoga Challenge

Crow Fitness Challenge

We LOVE getting the community MOVING TOGETHER & this 4 week challenge is all about a ✨Quick Workout✨ All you need is your body and a few minutes each day.  Who’s ready to give this ABC’s of Health Fitness Challenge a try?!!  Join in on the fun  👊🏼 Week 2️⃣...
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