Let me set the scene for you.
You’re sitting in a comfortable cross-legged seat. Your eyes are closed. You’ve had a long, hard day and you’re ready to do some yoga. But before the movement begins, your yoga teacher encourages you to set an intention to carry with you for your yoga practice. Aaaand your mind goes blank.
If you’ve ever had that experience in a yoga class, you’re not along. Setting an intention can be kind of intimidating at first. But-like most things in yoga-you can’t really do it wrong.
So that is our INTENTION for this class. To set a personal intention during our practice and to practice taking it off your mat too and into your life! You ready? Being mindful about all in life is powerful stuff! Get ready for change, friends! I believe in you ✨✨✨✨✨
#IisforIntention 💋 Love hearing from you so be sure to share your motivation pictures of you showing up and on your mat! xoxo Nicole
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🗓 Fitness Calendar January 2022
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This article is general in nature and is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. It does not constitute medical or health care advice. If you have medical or health care questions, please speak with a professional medical provider.