Complete Body Wellness

The ABC’s of “ABC’s of Health”

A is for…

Aerobic endurance

What better way to start our list than choosing one of the single most important topics for maintaining cardiovascular health? It sums up our focus for combining exercise and wellness for heart longevity.

B is for…


A key term for life in general, but also a key term for physical health. Take everything life gives you in stride, keeping a confidence and presence of mind. Maintain stability with your core to reduce risk of injury.

C is for…


The “heart” of our professions. As a board-certified, actively practicing cardiologist and personal trainer and yoga instructor, the study of the heart’s physiology and anatomy is the key to our success.

D is for…


Lovers of all animals, we share a particular fondness of dogs and the support and reciprocated emotional support they provide. Did you know a guide dog once helped his blind owner hike the Appalachian Trail over 8 months?!

E is for…


Our focus is to help all find a form of exercise that feels less like a chore and fun to participate. No matter what your preference, there’s something for all that promotes health through movement.

F is for…


At our core is family. Success is never singular, and this is never more true than in our household. Together, we strive to be humble, healthier, and happier

G is for…


Although this may seem out of place, this combines two of our favorite elements: being outdoors and cooking! Stay tuned on this page for cooking tips and recipes demonstrating our favorite family recipes, incorporating healthy combinations of fruits, vegetables, and healthy meal options.

H is for…


The obvious choice for “H”. There is a saying, “Health is Wealth,” and we believe this whole-heartedly. Where is the enjoyment in life if one can’t take advantage of their health to enjoy it?

I is for…

Interval training

A powerful method of training called high intensity interval training (HIIT) we often promote due to its evidence-driven support for increasing cardiovascular health. There is a saying, “Health is Wealth,” and we believe this whole-heartedly. Where is the enjoyment in life if one can’t take advantage of their health to enjoy it?

J is for…


Need to protect them, right? Follow along as we find foods that support healthy joint health and reduce inflammation while our yoga classes help to strengthen, loosen, and provide musculoskeletal support.

K is for…


We love our 3 very active, energetic boys! We hope that whether or not you have children of your own, you might find ideas to keep little one engaged with exercise and help them to promote healthy eating and lifestyle habits.

L is for…


“Let all that you do be done in love.” Although many know this verse from the bible, every organized religion or peace-promoting organization understands the value of loving yourself and one another to best promote self-healing.

M is for…

Meal prep

A simple tool that promotes our principles of organization and preparation of simple meal options to help achieve your goals.

N is for…

Noisy household

Even when the day is quiet, there is no rest for the weary in our busy household with 3 boys. Follow along as mom, dad, our boys, and our furry little friends try to keep up!

O is for…


We share our love of exploring and being outside with all willing to hear our story. Besides giving us ample opportunity to stay active, we find this is the best way to keep our little ones engaged and burn off that endless energy.

P is for…

Parents of 3 boys

If it isn’t obvious by now, our 3 boys keep us active and young! The motivation for starting our website, “ABCs of Health”, was chosen because of these guys and our love for health. Did you know that the first letter of each of our boys names’ is where we derive “ABC”?

Q is for…

Quick meals

Share our love of cooking and health by following along and watching for meal options that should promote heart health and appeal to all ages.

R is for…


As a formal exercise, perhaps not for everyone, although running can be enjoyed in various activities and at any level of duration. More than anything, running is metaphorical for staying active in any way!

S is for…


We love sports, but for what they represent— teamwork, healthy competition, opportunity for self-development, and methods for staying active.

T is for…


No matter your level of health, there is always an option for personal physical, emotional, or spiritual growth. All you gotta do is “try”.

U is for…


We believe in equality and opportunity for all. A unit is always stronger than sum of individual parts working singly. This is true for our family as we promote unity from within.

V is for…


As the old saying goes, we “work hard to play hard”. We hope our retreats and the personal vacations we share motivate you to explore and be active.

W is for…


Follow along as you watch our wild and crazy life with 3 young boys, and see if we can get by!

X is for…

X (Cross-)training

“X” marks the spot! Another method of training we promote is through cross-training. This helps to stimulate new physical and mental growth, and allows your body to recover with lesser rest periods.

Y is for…


A favorite of ours and one of our best methods to promote wellness and mental health. We share more than 20 years of formal training with others through our website and health and wellness retreats.

Z is for…


The Chinese philosopher Confucius once said, “Wheresever you go, go with all your heart”. Let the zest for life drive you to better yourself in your daily life and relationships. We hope that by following along, you’ll see what we mean!
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Let’s go back to the basics of good health.

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