We LOVE getting the community MOVING TOGETHER & this 4 week challenge is all about a ✨Quick Workout✨ All you need is your body and a few minutes each day. Who’s ready to give this ABC’s of Health fitness challenge a try?!! Join in on the fun 👊🏼
Week 4️⃣ Backbend Challenge 💫
There are so many good reasons to practice backbends, but improvement in cardiovascular health may be one of THE most important, and one of the most overlooked. There are several ways that a regular practice of backbends can impact your heart and lung function and please remember that the backbends don’t even have to be deep! Moderate poses such as locust pose or bridge pose do the trick too!
❤️ Pick a backbend of choice and open your heart, release grief, sadness, fear, loss… and expand into a space of GRATITUDE 🙏🏻
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Please SELECT SUBSCRIBE for free Healthy Recipes, Yoga Classes, and Fun Fitness Challenges. https://www.youtube.com/c/ABCsofHealth
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Feel free to reach out to us if you would like to brainstorm on how to customize a healthy wellness plan for you, your company, your employees. Welcome everyBODY 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
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#yoga #fitnesschallenge #abcsofhealth
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This article is general in nature and is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. It does not constitute medical or health care advice. If you have medical or health care questions, please speak with a professional medical provider.