3 minute Fitness Challenge

3 minute Fitness Challenge

All you need is 3 MINUTES to complete this challenge!  The INTENTION of this workout is to increase how many repetitions you do each time you practice.  Your goal is not to give up and push yourself, it’s only 3 minutes after all!  At the end of this course, I want to...
H is for Your Heart

H is for Your Heart

Who’s ready for this fitness challenge?!!!  It’s only 5 minutes and guaranteed to get your HEART a pumping!  I’m challenging you to do this every day for 30 days.  You in?  Be sure to share your motivational pictures to our social media channels by...
D is for Diet Course

D is for Diet Course

Let’s GET MOVING!   1.  Squat-Shoulder Press 2.  Plie’-Bicep Curl 3.  Tree Pose-Front Raise 4.  Tree Pose-Side Lateral Raise 5.  Row with Butt Lift 6.  Fly’s with Butt Lift 7.  Push Up’s-Downdog Touch Foot 8.  Bridge-Fly’s 9.  Superman...
B is for Balance

B is for Balance

B is for BALANCE.  Thank you for joining us in this 4 Week Balance Challenge! Right here you will learn the 11 exercises needed for this course.  Please take time to watch this instructional video to learn the correct technique and form to complete these movements.  ...
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