Breakfast Egg Scramble

Breakfast Egg Scramble

Ever have those leftovers you’re not exactly sure what to do with?  Never quite in the mood to rewarm, but not ready to throw out?  How about adding them to a breakfast egg scramble for a nice hearty breakfast? Here, we made a quick morning meal from leftover roasted...

Energy Yoga Flow

Energy Yoga Flow Need a boost? Yoga has your back! Take some time to connect, rejuvenate, and balance it all out. Practice this as much as you need so that you can find that ✨ENERGY✨ to feel your best! Come as you are, no experience necessary. From our home to your...
Veggie “Noodles”

Veggie “Noodles”

Veggie “noodles” can be an awesome and easy way to cut carbs and calories. Here is last night’s version of a simple side dish to complement some grilled mahi. These butternut squash noodles were pre-packaged without salt or added flavors. After sautéing in a bit of...
Pigeon Pose

Pigeon Pose

Pigeon Pose Learn how to safely do pigeon pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) for absolute beginners. This hip opener is so therapeutic and feels REALLY good if you have tight hips and leg muscles, but it’s super easy to injure yourself if you’re not doing it correctly. In...
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