How to do Malasana Correctly

How to do Malasana Correctly

How to do Malasana Correctly Let’s learn yoga’s deep squat together! It’s a wonderful hip opener and helps counterbalance to the tightness you can develop from sitting too much. You can make use of props for support at first so everyBODY can enjoy this posture. You...
Boat Fitness Challenge

Boat Fitness Challenge

Boat Fitness Challenge Up for an AB Challenge? To increase core strength, try some boat crunches! Don’t sink the boat! This is harder than it looks. Come into Boat Pose (Navasana) & focus on keeping a tight V between your thighs and torso. Hold for 5 yoga breaths....
Sleeping Yogi Fitness Challenge

Sleeping Yogi Fitness Challenge

Sleeping Yogi Fitness Challenge After years of practicing yoga I am most grateful for such moments of utter calm that arise during my practice. Though Yoganidrasana may look kind of crazy (I know!), once you’re in it, it provides that rare experience of true...
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