Power Yoga Break

Power Yoga Break

Power Yoga Break Ready to challenge your body in a way that feels good? Join me in this Power Yoga Break that will strengthen and stretch you from head to toe! Take that break, you won’t be disappointed that you did! Trending Posts
Cat and Cow Pose

Cat and Cow Pose

Cat & Cow Pose This is one of my favorite yoga poses (you’ve probably noticed as they are in almost all of my yoga videos)! This sequence is great for beginners as Cat-Cow is a gentle flow between two poses that warms the body and brings flexibility to the spine....
Pandemic Yoga Sending Love

Pandemic Yoga Sending Love

Pandemic Yoga Sending Love Although this pandemic may cause many of us to want to curl up in a ball and hide under a mountain of blankets, it is SO IMPORTANT to keep moving our bodies. In this era of endurance, we need to be strong-not just physically, but mentally,...
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