Yoga for the Heart

Yoga for the Heart

Yoga for the Heart Did you know that February marks American Heart Month? Did you know that heart disease is THE #1 health risk of all Americans? The American Heart Association says healthy eating, exercise and meditation are recommended lifestyle choices to prevent...
Yoga for Insomnia

Yoga for Insomnia

Yoga for Insomnia Having a hard time falling asleep? Needing to Wind Down? This class is for YOU! Take a load off with this relaxing yoga session created to help you relax and help you get ready for bed.Give your mind a break and relax the body. Let go of anything you...
Tofu Stirfry

Tofu Stirfry

Want to try something new for that New Year’s resolution to “cook more healthy”? If you aren’t a tofu consumer, this is the perfect opportunity to try! Packed with vegetable-based protein, rich in soy-compounds that may help with cholesterol, you shouldn’t...
Hot Chocolate-Yoga Pajama Party!

Hot Chocolate-Yoga Pajama Party!

Hot Chocolate-Yoga Pajama Party! Little yogi’s, who is ready to put on your pajamas, grab some hot chocolate and get ready for a YOGA PARTY?!!! The best part, we have a special guest joining us today! So get ready for lots of yoga fun, games and even a bedtime story....
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