Blog Posts
Why Self-Care is Important for Your Health
Let’s clear up one common misconception from the get-go, how many of you are already thinking, “self-care is selfish?” Not only is personal care unselfish, but it is imperative so that you can improve longevity, optimal health for yourself, as well as help care for others and do all the things you need and want to accomplish in a day.
10 reasons people believe yoga is not for them and why they’re wrong!
As a passionate yogi and yoga teacher, I have heard every excuse why people can’t do yoga or why it is not for them. Most have never set foot in a studio, never taken that first step onto a sticky mat, assuming from what they’ve heard that they won’t like it or won’t be good at it. So, hear me out… I’m going to give you a list of reasons why you can’t do yoga and why none of them are true!
The Heart Chakra- Everything You Need to Know About the Fourth Chakra
The anahata chakra is the most influential energy center out of the 7 chakras? In Sanskrit, “anahata” means unhurt, unstruck and unbeaten. It serves as our center of LOVE for oneself and others and is associated with unconditional love, compassion, and joy.
School Lunch Box Ideas-Parent and Kid Approved
One of our friends recently asked us to post something on lunch box tips when dealing with a fussy eater. While we are certainly no expert on this we do send our boys to school 4 days out of the week with a healthy home prepared lunch. So we hope to share some...
Zero Excuses!
This weekend I am on call, it is the playoff weekend (GoChiefs ❤️?) & I am giving zero excuses ?? What is your favorite time to workout? Before work, after work....? Whatever it is, get it in and your body will thank you for it! ❤️
There is nothing better for you and your heart health than MOVEMENT!
The human body was made to MOVE, not to be sedentary. Our HEART is a muscle and pumps blood throughout our body. Our LUNGS supply oxygen, which fuels our MUSCLES to power movement. Exercise makes them all stronger! A stronger heart, lungs and muscles make for a...
Bring on the heat!
A study published in December 2019 in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) identifying link between regular chili pepper consumption and cardiovascular event risk. Over 22,000 individuals were followed for an average of 8.2 years, and those with...
Intermittent Fasting
You may of heard of “intermittent fasting” as one of the new catch-terms for dieting and weight loss. Much like “keto dieting”, there can be a lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings about how dietary restrictions can help or possibly hurt individual weight...
In Home Personal Training
It’s the start of the New Year & that time when everyone starts making New Year’s resolutions or thinking of new intentions that include exercising more, losing weight and getting healthier. NOW is a great time to start thinking about how you can start creating...