Grab your yoga mat & your journal for this class! We are going to do a little practice together and at the end of this class I want you to spend a few minutes writing in your journal. Write about anything….how you feel after class, what you love about yoga, something about your day or intention. Just start writing! You might be surprised how much you love journaling as it is such a healthy way to express yourself and your emotions!
Please remember that this month’s #JisJournalingforWellness we are going to focus on these 4 things:
1. Relaxation and meditation.
2. Eating a healthy, balanced diet.
3. Exercise regularly and moving a little more every day!
4. Treating yourself to plenty of sleep each night.
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This article is general in nature and is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only. It does not constitute medical or health care advice. If you have medical or health care questions, please speak with a professional medical provider.